
Cost Analysis of Your Favorite Movie Weddings
An analysis of how much your favorite movie weddings would’ve cost and how they stack up against the cost of modern weddings.
An analysis of how much your favorite movie weddings would’ve cost and how they stack up against the cost of modern weddings.
Did you know that August is National Romance Awareness month? While we’re pretty sure you all know what romance is, we think it’s important to be reminded that in any relationship, romance is important. Some people say you should never stop dating your partner, even after you move in together, have kids or get married. You’re too busy to be romantic, you say? We’ve got some great ideas to show your love that are easy and cheap but incredibly thoughtful and […]
When’s the last time you were on a first date? Was it fun/awkward/nerve-racking? Did conversation feel too forced or not fluid enough? Maybe you two just didn’t have anything in common. Or perhaps your date plan was unoriginal and you both knew it. The best date ideas are the ones that allow you to gain an organic insight into the other’s life – their upbringing, passions, ambitions and fears – without it being too contrived. The goal is to break down […]
With Valentine’s Day coming up so soon we have epic love on the mind. Nothing shows the ups and downs of love better then the cinema, but we were unable to pick a single favorite fictional couple. Our list is by no means comprehensive, but it covers a variety of fictional love: Moonrise Kingdom told the story of first love. It was quirky, fun, and entertaining. The young couple, Sam and Suzy, decide to […]
It’s that time of year when romance is in the air and sweethearts everywhere are inspired to find new and original ways to tell each other, “I love you!” At FTD, we’ve been making Valentine dreams come true for more than 100 years, and for 2014, we offer an exciting array of luxurious gifts that go beyond the expected, and into the exceptional, at a range of prices. Flowers, and especially roses, are an iconic choice. While red is a […]