A Look Back on 2020

Years from now, when we think back on 2020, we’ll probably have mixed feelings. It was a year of hardships and sadness, but without the experiences of this past year, we wouldn’t have learned to appreciate, empathize and love the way we have. As with most things in life, you have to look on the brighter side to make it through. Now that we’re close to welcoming a new year, let’s look back on some exciting moments for Rakuten in 2020.

The Smart Shopper

We published a total of 239 blog posts in 2020. You read our content 1.7 million times. 🤯

Your top five favorite posts are…

We did our part in trying to make a social impact that matters.

We teamed up with some great people to share some amazing gift guides.

Let’s Get Social

937,115 of you “liked” us on Facebook. Thanks 😊 We like you, too. 

We’re thankful for our 78,600 friends on Twitter. Especially the ones who understand and share the joy of a Big Fat Check.

But do you know what we love just as much as your happiness? Giving away free goodies and even more Cash Back.

We celebrated our birthday in May with 8 Days of Giveaways. 37,254 people entered.

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You loved our 12 Days of Giveaways during the holidays. 45,811 of you entered.

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We had a little fun on our Instagram, like creating our own GIFs and Filters. You used our GIFs more than 7.6 million times!

And we shared how we all dealt with quarantine this summer…

We paid thanks to our frontline workers and showed our eternal gratitude by donating to causes to support them during these trying times.

And at the end of the day, we united on one thing we all love: Cash Back.

You felt the joy of Cash Back and jammed out to it more than 20 million times.



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