A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. With its deep cobalt glass vase and pure white blooms, this soothing bouquet is a stylish gesture for any special occasion! With its deep cobalt glass vase and pure white blooms, this soothing bouquet is a stylish gesture for any special occasion! This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Bunch vase. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral