Purple Carrot is a meal delivery service that focuses on vegan and plant-based entrees. Its founder created the business after struggling with Crohn's disease and realizing that plants could do a lot more good than just helping him with digestion. While the meals are based around vegan values, you don't have to subscribe to any particular lifestyle or belief to enjoy these dinners and snacks. Instead, they've been created to satisfy all kinds of palates and to bring plant-based eating into the mainstream. Whether you're a full-fledged vegan or just someone who'd like to mix things up once in a while, you'll enjoy the delicious, healthy and easy-to-make meals this service provides. To save some money on your next shipment, look for a Purple Carrot coupon to apply at checkout.
When you shop with Purple Carrot, you won't have to worry about budgeting for shipping costs because they're already factored into the cost of your shipment. You'll never pay additional shipping fees, even if you order extras or opt for more shipments per month.
Based on 1 Reviews
Love the healthy menu options, but why is there no way for me to refer a friend for credit like all the other meal delivery services? I am a vegan influencer and would have loved to spread the word on my social accounts. When I emailed the company about it, they gave me crickets. :(
Sarah Creighton
If you'd like to save on having DIY vegan meals delivered to your home, use a Purple Carrot coupon code the next time you shop. Be sure to shop with Rakuten so that you earn valuable Cash Back on every purchase, and use these shopping secrets for even better deals.
If you're looking to stretch your dollar, pay particular attention to the cost per serving when choosing your meal plans. Currently, the store offers two options: two and six servings. With the two-serving plan, you'll pay $11.99 per serving and have your choice of what dinners are delivered to your home. However, if you opt for the six-serving menu, you'll pay only $7.99 per serving, a savings of 33%. Note that six-serving plans aren't customizable, but you'll receive enough food to feed a large family or make multiple meals each week.
Trying new foods and meals can be exciting, but you may sometimes want to know what you're getting into by first learning about the dish and maybe even hearing what others think. Thankfully, Purple Carrot has an active Facebook community where you'll find recipes and photos posted every week, plus hear from other members who've tried (and usually love) them. Facebook is also a good place to learn about new products and meals, as well as any savings opportunities, such as Purple Carrot promo codes or upcoming sales.
If you're a new Purple Carrot user, be sure to look carefully around the home page to see if the store is currently offering a new customer bonus. When available, the Purple Carrot promo code, usually worth $20 or $25 off, will appear as part of its own section. Just copy the code, paste it in checkout and you'll be on your way to saving.