Are there StockX coupons?
StockX sometimes offers coupons, which you may be able to use on your next bid. Much of the benefit at StockX, however, is in trying to find products for less than the retail price, so don’t worry if you can’t find a coupon.
Is there a way to get free shipping at StockX?
StockX does not have a consistent free-shipping option, but you may be able to get coupons for free shipping from time to time. Keep an eye out for free-shipping deals if you’re looking to save money.
Can you negotiate on StockX?
You can indeed negotiate on StockX; it’s a key feature of the website. Just place a bid at your preferred purchasing price, and the seller will be able to accept or decline it. You can also choose “Buy Now” to pay the asking price.
How can I get StockX cheaper?
The best way to make sure you’re buying the cheapest option at StockX is to select “Below Retail” on your search. You’ll only see items that are cheaper than purchasing the product at retail price.