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American Express Membership Rewards® Points FAQ

Want to earn points instead of Cash Back? Here’s everything you need to know.

How do I start earning Membership Rewards® points through Rakuten?

New to Rakuten? Sign Up for a free account to start earning. You’ll be redirected to the American Express website to enter your account username and password. Once your American Express account is connected, eligible Card Members will start accruing Membership Rewards® points when you shop through Rakuten.

Already have a Rakuten account? Go to Account Settings and select Membership Rewards® Points under How You Get Paid. You’ll be redirected to the American Express website to enter your account username and password. Once your eligible American Express account is connected, you’re all set!

Any confirmed Cash Back earned before switching to points will be converted to points and transferred on the next payment date.

How does the Membership Rewards® points program work with Rakuten?

Earning Membership Rewards® points with Rakuten is simple:

    1. Start at Rakuten and choose a store. You can use our website, mobile app, or browser extension.
    2. Shop as you normally would. If you’re using the browser extension, be sure to activate points before you start shopping. You may still see Cash Back deals, but don’t worry, you’ll accrue Membership Rewards® points. Once you make an eligible purchase, we’ll add points to your Rakuten account.
    3. Get points! We’ll transfer the confirmed Membership Rewards® points every 3 months according to our current Payment Schedule.

$1 Cash Back = 100 Membership Rewards® points.

When will I get Membership Rewards® points?

Any confirmed points you accrue on purchases, bonuses and other rewards will be transferred to your American Express account every three months. The time it takes for points to be confirmed depends on several factors, including the store, store policy, reporting schedule, exclusions and returns.

Rakuten Payment Dates:

  • February 15
  • May 15
  • August 15
  • November 15
Points Activity

Your Points Activity reflects your current earnings, including both pending and confirmed points. The time it takes for points to be confirmed depends on several factors, including the store, store policy, reporting schedule, exclusions and returns. For more details, go to Points Activity.

Remember, your earnings on purchases, bonuses and other rewards need to be confirmed before the payment date to be included.

Want to track your payment? Track Membership Rewards Points

How do I find Membership Rewards® points in my American Express account?
    1. Log in to your American Express® account.

      Note: If you have more than one American Express® card, make sure you select a card that’s eligible for the Membership Rewards® program. You can toggle between cards by going to the card icon in the top right corner.

    2. Select Rewards & Benefits from the top bar.

    3. Select Rewards, then Points Summary.

    4. Membership Rewards® points transferred from Rakuten will appear under Your Points Activity as Rakuten Additional MR Points.

      Note: Points are transferred according to the Membership Rewards® Points Transfer Schedule.

How do I know if my American Express Card is eligible to participate?

You must have an American Express Card enrolled in the U.S. Membership Rewards® program. It must not be cancelled or past due. Here’s a list of eligible cards. Corporate cards or accounts are not eligible to participate.

How do I check the Membership Rewards® points accrued in my Rakuten account?

You can see your current earnings any time in Points Activity.

I have more questions. Who can I reach out to?

Contact Us and we’ll be happy to help!